

- 15:45

12.15 Hatha Yoga Basic Course 2024 “Satsang”

Master Sudhakar





Zoom Online


Vanakkam Yoga School by Master Sudhakar's Hatha Yoga Basic Course, which attracts over 300 yoga students every time it is held, whether onsite or online, in a yoga class of any title. Each class begins with The Philosophy class, but the last Hatha Yoga Basics class of 2024 will not begin with The Philosophy class, but will conclude with The philosophy class.
The theme of the last Hatha Yoga Basic Course of the year is “Satsang.”
Human beings “gather” to share joy and wisdom.
What is yoga? Why are we born and what for do we live? Why do we do yoga? What is meditation? For two hours, a rare storyteller will face and answer the endless questions that yoga students, and indeed, all of humanity, ask.
On the mat, we will do asana practices necessary for the body as an inner temple to purify and remove the impurities of 2024 and prepare for the coming year 2025.
Not only “doing” yoga, but “listening” to yoga, and not limiting yoga to the mat or the body, but “utilizing” yoga in our daily lives off the mat and in our daily lives, where we spend more time than on the mat or in the yoga studio. It is “useful” in our daily lives off the mat and in our daily lives.
Master Sudhakar's yoga classes offer the unique benefits of yoga, not only in physical awareness, but also in our words, thoughts, intellect, and perspectives, which can free us from long-held pain and discomfort, and improve our relationships and perspective on life.

Join us in December 2024 for a day of receiving the benefits of yoga in your body, mind, and daily life, in the comfort of your own home or local community.
